Monday, October 6, 2008

A little something i have noticed...

is that since having a child i have become really fond of routines. I have NEVER been one of those structured people, i liked to do things on a whim, because i felt like it! Well something has changed me, i like to know know that
  • Dinner is a 530
  • Walk with Ava and Jayson is at 630
  • Bath time is at 7 followed directly by bottle
  • and bedtime is at 730
  • Dishes need to be done at 8
  • Before bedtime (me) routine at 815
  • REALaXIN time (my fav part it seems) is at 830-930 unless of coarse i feel like getting an extra 30 min of sleep in is needed
See and look at that i just made it in a BULLET list! I swear is that normal to change so drastically after becoming a mother?

I changed my banner, i was feeling in the mood for Halloween and thought i would share with you too! :-) its kinda like decorating my house but a lot less effort and i feel it had the same effect for me today! So is anyone dressing up? Ava is going to be a ladybug because someone gave us the outfit and its soo cute, cozy and warm! I am going to be passing out candy as myself, but i am sure Jayson will be dressing up to scare!

Well the yawns are a coming and looky what time it is, right on schedule 923!!! :-) Have a good Tuesday and i am leaving you with something i learned from class, check this out!!


Kimberly Scott said...

OH I am sooo happy to see that you were able to have fun! Wonderful homework!!! I love the post and love the banner!


mandi said...

I love the banner too. You did a great job. I still haven't done any of my homework... I'm having too much fun looking!